Mayor Dickens Appoints New Executive Director of Mayor’s Office of Cultural Affairs 

Mayor Andre Dickens announced Adriane V. Jefferson as the new Executive Director of the Mayor’s Office of Cultural Affairs (OCA) beginning February 28, 2025. With nationally recognized expertise in cultural equity, arts administration, and community transformation, Jefferson is poised to bring a fresh and inclusive perspective to Atlanta’s cultural landscape. Her visionary leadership will foster […]

PBS Aerospace Establishes North American HQ in Metro Atlanta

Governor Brian P. Kemp today announced that PBS Aerospace, a designer and manufacturer of world-class small turbojet engines, will invest up to $20 million to establish its North American headquarters, manufacturing, and R&D operations in Roswell. The new operations will create at least 95 new jobs in metro Atlanta, growing the company’s presence in the […]

Atlanta, Office of the Inspector General Violated State Law At Least 50 Times

The City of Atlanta issued the following statement. Today, in response to employee concerns and a taskforce comprised of legal experts, the City Council took the first step to strengthening ethics in City government by voting unanimously to advance legislation that establishes clear protocols for the Office of Inspector General. A review conducted by the […]

애틀랜타 한국학교, 학교장 초빙

애틀랜타 한국학교 이사회에서는 정관 21조에 의거 다음과 같이 학교장 지원 서류를 접수하고 있습니다. 지원 자격은 석사 학위 이상이며 영주권자 또는 시민권자로서 5년 이상 학국학교 교사 경험이 있는자입니다. 구비서류는 사진이 첨부된 이력서와 국문과 영문 자기소개서 각각1부, 그리고 석사 학위증과 추천서 1부입니다. 접수 기간은 2월 22일까지이며 결과는 2월 28일까지 개별 통보 될 예정입니다. 기타 자세한 사항은 애틀랜타 […]

Gwinnett County, Gwinnett Health and Human Services Offer

Gwinnett Health and Human Services offers priority assistance to seniors facing economic challenges, social isolation, or health risks. Our free and low-cost services are here to enhance your quality of life. Apply now and see if you qualify for free or low-cost services to enhance your quality of life. Visit for more information. Senior […]

채경석 회장 대행, 제33대 애틀랜타 한인노인회 회장으로 취임

애틀랜타 한인노인회는 2025년 신년하례식 및 채경석 회장 취임식을 30일 한인회관 소강당에서 개최했습니다. 이날 채경석 회장 대행은 애틀랜타 한인노인회 제33대 회장으로 취임했습니다. 노인회는 지난 2024년 3월 나상호 전임 회장의 별세 후 채경석 회장 대행 체재로 운영해 왔습니다.

조지아주 하원‘미주 한인의 날’결의안 채택, 그 의미는…

조지아주 하원은 29일 주청사 본회의장에서 ‘미주 한인의 날’ 결의안을 채택했습니다. 이번 결의안은 샘 박 주하원의원과 홍수정 하원의원을 비롯해 6명이 발의했습니다. 샘 박 의원과 홍수정 의원은 단상에 올라 미주 한인들이 세대가 이어지고 있다며 결의안 발의 배경과 함께 참석자들을 소개했습니다. 샘 박 의원 / 조지아주 하원 이어 아태계 미국여성센터(CAPAW) 수 앤 홍 대표는 기념사에서 자신은 8살에 입장되었다는 […]

City of Atlanta, Statement on Federal Funding Freeze

Mayor Andre Dickens issued the following statement. “Like cities and municipalities across the nation, the City of Atlanta received no warning from the Trump Administration on the freezing of federal funds. These actions adversely affect not only the City’s funding for affordable housing, assistance for our unsheltered residents, economic development projects, salaries and investments in […]

City of Duluth Celebrated with 2025 Visionary City Award

The City of Duluth is proud to announce its recognition as a recipient of the 2025 Visionary City Award, an honor granted by the Georgia Municipal Association (GMA) in collaboration with Georgia Trend Magazine. Presented at GMA’s Cities United Summit on January 26, this award celebrates the Rogers Bridge Project, reconnecting communities through an innovative pedestrian […]

Advancing Justice-Atlanta Condemns Latest ICE Raids in Atlanta Metro Area

Atlanta, GA – Asian Americans Advancing Justice-Atlanta is outraged and deeply heartbroken by the recent wave of ICE raids targeting families in several major U.S. cities, including the Atlanta metro area, over the weekend. These “targeted operations,” reported in areas such as Chamblee and Tucker, targeted individuals seeking asylum in the U.S. and awaiting asylum hearings, have left […]