Conversations with Gwinnett youth initiatives off to a great start

Gwinnett Police participated in the 2024 Powered Up Youth Symposium hosted by the Gwinnett County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., on Saturday, October 5.

The Community Affairs team demonstrated four types of traffic stop scenarios to educate teens about their rights as drivers and what to expect from law enforcement. Additionally, we engaged in a scenario that informed youth about the risks of accepting drinks or drugs that could lead to an overdose and the appropriate actions to take to save a life.

We want to extend our gratitude to our Gang Unit Investigator Tarron Key, our Gun Crime Unit Detective Jimmy Wilson, and Gwinnett County Public Schools Investigator Ronetta Coates for serving as panelists during SEASUS’ inaugural Conversations with Gwinnett Youth series. Their insights on guns and gangs were invaluable to the youth and parents who attended. Panelists offered strategies for conflict resolution at home and in schools, highlighted the risks associated with gang involvement, and explained the implications of Georgia’s constitutional carry laws. Panelists detailed the protocols in place that Gwinnett schools follow to collaborate with local authorities in case of school shooting threats, shared how to access community mental health and wellbeing resources, and provided information on anonymous hotlines for reporting gang activity or threats of gun violence.

We commend community organizations for their commitment to educate our youth and equip them with knowledge of the severe consequences of poor decision-making. We are eager to collaborate with local organizations in an ongoing effort to prevent and combat violence. Don’t hesitate to contact Gwinnett Police Community Affairs via email at